About Us
To our customers…
The sparkle created from a product you love is the feeling we aim for with every creation at Sparkle Storm. With each product comes a tailored unique design created by hand. Each quality product makes a memory that lasts for you and your family.
To fellow small businesses…
In a world where many things are mass produced and manufactured a wderful community has been born to embrace products created by hand and in small quantities
I have been lucky enough to be surrounded by a tribe of people starting their own small businesses. Inspirational women walking the same path as me. Having these small businesses to relate too and understand the mountain I’m climbing, empowered me to give back. I understood them too. As a product developer, I had the tools at my feet to create products through Sparkle storm that were unique and personalised to their brand but affordable with realistic orders quantities.
Our mission as a fellow small business is to collaborate with people we can learn from and add value in return. Whether looking for a small order of custom products for you to sell, a logo or artwork our promise is to understand your requirements, offer a fair price and a quality and proactive service.
Get in touch

Charis – Founder of Sparkle Storm
The Board of Little Sparkles